Breaking News
Brean Research
Berean Research is here to help you learn and equip yourself to prevent falling into deception about cults and movements taking the visible church down a wide path away from Scriptural truth. The heart of what we do is research. Our “White Papers” provide simple, bullet-pointed facts, links, and most importantly: what the Bible says.
The Submerging Church
The Submerging Church website is run by Good Fight Ministries. Since producing the documentary The Submerging Church in 2012, we decided to launch a site dedicated to keeping people informed about the Emergent Church, since information seems to be coming out on such a regular basis. We also offer Emergent-related resources on this site as well, for those who are interested.
Christian News Network
Christian News Network provides up-to-date news and information affecting the body of Christ worldwide from an uncompromising Biblical worldview.
Our objective is to present the news with the word of God as our lens, and to bring to light what is hid in the darkness. Our reporters ask the tough questions and inquire from a Scriptural perspective. As an independent Christian publication with no specific affiliation to any denomination or any political party, we are removed from the bias that is often commonplace from other news sources.
Good Fight Ministries
Joe’s objective for Good Fight Ministries is to teach and encourage spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, and to share important insights as they relate to biblical prophecy and the end times. Joe provides information from a biblical and spiritual worldview to help people make informed life choices that often have eternal consequences. He carefully researches growing religious trends and ideas that attempt to undermine biblical Christianity, providing written articles and video exposés covering various trends in present pop culture.
The Briefing
R. Albert Mohler, Jr. is the president of Southern Seminary & Boyce College.
Dr. Mohler serves as president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary — the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world. He has written nine books and authored thousands of articles on a wide range of topics.
Life News is an independent news agency devoted to reporting news that affects the pro-life community. With a team of experienced journalists and bloggers, reaches more than 750,000 pro-life advocates each week via our web site, email news reports, social networking outreach and weekday radio program. also acts as a service provider to furnish news content to media that share the pro-life perspective. The topics covered by include abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, bioethics issues such as human cloning and stem cell research, campaigns and elections, and cultural legal and legislative issues as they affect the pro-life community.
Formerly the Pro-Life Infonet, has been harnessing the power of the Internet since 1992 to bring pro-life news to the pro-life community. We’ve developed a reputation for fairness, accuracy and timeliness in our two decades of service. We are not affiliated with any organization, religious group, political party or church denomination.